Laravel for Beginners: Routing and Controllers (Chapter 3)

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In this article, we’ll be exploring the concept of routing and controllers in Laravel. Routing is the process of mapping URLs to specific actions, and controllers are the classes that handle these actions. Understanding routing and controllers is essential for building robust and scalable applications in Laravel.

Objectives The objectives of this article are to:

  • Explain the basics of routing in Laravel
  • Show how to define routes in Laravel
  • Discuss how to create controllers in Laravel
  • Demonstrate how to use controllers to handle requests in Laravel

Routing in Laravel

What is routing?

Routing is the process of mapping URLs to specific actions in your application. When a user visits a URL, the router matches the URL to a predefined action and returns the appropriate response.

Defining routes in Laravel

In Laravel, you can define routes in the routes/web.php file. By default, Laravel includes a few basic routes to get you started. For example, the following code defines a route for the home page of the application:

Route::get('/', function () {
    return view('welcome');

Available Route Methods

Laravel provides several methods for defining routes, including get, post, put, patch, and delete. These methods correspond to the HTTP methods and determine how the route can be accessed. For example, the following code defines a route that can only be accessed using the POST method:

Route::post('/contact', function () {
    // handle contact form submission

Controllers in Laravel

What are controllers?

Controllers are classes that handle requests and return responses in Laravel. In other words, controllers are responsible for processing incoming requests, executing business logic, and returning appropriate responses.

Creating Controllers

To create a controller in Laravel, you can use the Artisan command line tool. The following command creates a new controller called PageController:

php artisan make:controller PageController

Using Controllers

To use a controller in Laravel, you need to define a route that maps to a specific action in the controller. For example, the following code defines a route that maps to the index action in the PageController:

Route::get('/pages', 'PageController@index');

Returning Responses from Controllers

View Responses

In Laravel, you can return view responses from controllers using the view function. For example, the following code returns a view response from the index action in the PageController:

public function index()
    return view('pages.index');

JSON Responses

In addition to view responses, you can also return JSON responses from controllers. For example, the following code returns a JSON response from the index action in the PageController:

public function index()
    return response()->json([
        'message' => 'Welcome to the PageController index action'


Recap of what was covered In this article, we covered the basics of routing and controllers in Laravel. We explained what routing is and how to define routes in Laravel. We also discussed what controllers are and how to create and use them to handle requests in Laravel. Additionally, we showed how to return both view and JSON responses from controllers.

Next steps Now that you have a solid understanding of routing and controllers in Laravel, you can start building more complex applications that handle a wide range of HTTP requests. Some next steps could include:

  • Learning how to pass data to views and controllers
  • Understanding middleware and how to use it to secure routes
  • Exploring advanced routing concepts, such as named routes and route groups

Summary Routing and controllers are key concepts in Laravel that enable you to handle HTTP requests and return appropriate responses. By understanding how to define routes, create controllers, and return responses, you’ll be able to build robust and scalable applications in Laravel.

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